Writing a three paragraph essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
Miracle on St Davids Day by Gillian Clarke Essay Example
Marvel on St Davids Day by Gillian Clarke Essay Example Marvel on St Davids Day by Gillian Clarke Essay Marvel on St Davids Day by Gillian Clarke Essay Paper Topic: Verse Marvel on St Davids Day is a captivating, and at last idealistic sonnet identifying with the topic of character by Gillian Clarke. The sonnet recounts to the account of a man in a psychological establishment, who surpasses the desire for both the attendants and his kindred patients when he recovers the capacity to talk. In the primary refrain of the sonnet, Gillian Clarke portrays the nation house in what is by all accounts a pure setting, The sun steps the way among cedars and colossal oaks, it may be a nation house, visitors walking. Anyway in spite of the apparently lovely tone, inferred by the utilization of her creation it appear to be casual, through the casual pondering of what the House may have been, may be a nation house, visitors walking, recommending ordinariness her utilization of the word may cautions the peruser that this pure setting might be a fantasy and not what it initially appears. The figment of typicality is quickly extricated by the initial line of the subsequent verse, I am perusing verse to the crazy. This line closes with a specific irrevocability, that is unexpected to such an extent that it upsets the up until this point, streaming impact to the sonnet, additionally inferring casualness and ordinariness, with the impacts that it stuns the peruser, not just in the disturbed beat of the sonnet yet additionally in the shockingly unpolished truth of what she is stating. Besides this is stunning in light of the fact that it isn't ordinary for individuals to peruse verse to the crazy. Gillian Clarke does this various occasions during the sonnet so as to stop the peruser, with the goal that the sonnet doesn't meander aimlessly, and make it all the more intriguing, A delightful chestnut-haired kid listens completely retained. A schizophrenic. This utilization of difference between the graphic lines of the initial refrain and the level, and strikingly dull, tones of this line acquaint the peruser with the complexity between the setting and the visitors. As we can see from the line following, I am perusing verse to the crazy, which in a flash reestablishes the state of mind of the sonnet to casual with the funniness, of the elderly person who is continually offering the storyteller coal, when it is March and she would have no methods for getting coal. By the utilization of having the lady expressing entertaining things, Gillian Clarke is likewise standing out her from different patients at the home, as she is the one in particular who is talking. The sonnet additionally utilizes lovely devises, for example, exemplification, An evening yellow and surprised. It utilizes similitudes, In a pen of first walk sun, and comparisons, for example, Outside the daffodils are still as wax, to make the sonnet additionally intriguing to peruse, and furthermore without these procedures the symbolism of the sonnet, that the individuals in the house are daffodils would not be depicted and the last message of the sonnet would not be introduced to the peruser. In this way the sonnet would be inconsequential. Gillian Clarke additionally utilizes enjambment in the sonnet, which upsets the progression of the sonnet, and I believe is likewise identifying with the upset characters of the patients in the home. Enjambment is successfully utilized in the third to fourth verses, as this is a meandering aimlessly scene of the huge man attempting to get to his seat, thus Clarke mirrors this in the proper utilization of enjambment between the refrains. The principal March sun is depicted as a pen in the third stanza as it is stating that for these individuals who have no opportunity, even their happiness regarding the sun is catching them, and they must choose the option to be out caught up in it. These graceful gadgets are likewise used to develop the character of the man in the sonnet. In the third refrain where the man is presented, he is portrayed as a major, mellow man, and a worker, who is as a rule gently drove. This utilization of differentiating language advises the peruser that despite the fact that the man is huge in size he must be gently driven like a youngster, proceeding to infer to the peruser that there is a major issue with him. This is affirmed in the forward section where he is depicted as shaking, a typical activity by crazy individuals as it solaces them. His portrayal is additionally stressed by the reiteration of the words enormous, mellow and stupid. These words cause him to appear to be much progressively gigantic, which is odd when they are joined with gentle. At the point when the enormous working man talks he is in excellent environmental factors discussing a sonnet about daffodils, which isn't just being unexpected yet is breaking the generalization of workers being manly and rather coldhearted, while here he is being depicted as practically ladylike and incredibly delicate. What strikes me most unmistakably when perusing the sonnet is the measure of symbolism used to carry accentuation to the general importance of Clarkes sonnet and to make it additionally fascinating. She has picked the Daffodils, by W. Wordsworth, as the music that the quiet man decides to talk following forty years of quietness. I accept that she has additionally decided to portray the man who can't talk as quiet as it is likewise a melodic term, thus along these lines isn't simply accentuating that there is no discourse in his life, yet in addition that there is no music, relating with bliss and happiness, and in this manner is stating that without discourse there is no delight in the workers life. Anyway when the beat of the verse he is perused stirs him, it seems to transform evident life into the real world. The sonnet is a potential method to show his waking from a universe of wretchedness to a truth of natures excellence and beat, Since the dullness of hopelessness fell he has recalled there was a music of discourse and that once he had a remark. This is additionally playing on the word dullness, as imbecility beside significance idiocy likewise is identifying with the man who can't talk as an individual who is quiet can likewise be depicted as, moronic. Illuminating us that the sonnet is stating that music is acceptable, as when he can't talk, and there is no music, it is depicted as, hopelessness and when this, falls, and he has recollected that there is a comment a thrush sings, speaking to joy, and the once, wax still daffodils are fire, speaking to fervor, life and action. In this manner Gillian Clarke is stating that the man was not appropriately alive until the music in his life was reestablished. He is recounting verse since what he has gotten notification from the attendants in the establishment has reestablished his memory and he has recollected a sonnet that he had learnt as a kid at school. We know this in light of the fact that Clarke advises us in section thirty-one, Forty years prior, in a Valleys school, the class recounted verse through repetition. I accept that Gillian Clarkes sonnet is additionally identifying with music through this symbolism. Since the dullness of wretchedness fell he has recalled there was a music of discourse and that once he had a remark. At the point when he talks there is a prompt trade of attributes, the once dead patients are alert and the medical caretakers are solidified as the patients used to be. I likewise notice that in Clarkes sonnet the daffodils appear to speak to the individuals at the home. Toward the beginning of the sonnet the daffodils are surprised indicating the way that the patients dont respond to the verse, as this is the face that individuals use when they are exhausted and not tuning in. Their open mouths show how unwelcoming the patients are, by and by evacuating any feeling of typicality as Gillian Clarke estranges them from customary rational individuals. At the point when the supernatural occurrence of the man talking happens the blossoms are quiet and as yet, demonstrating that a long way from the weariness and absence of intrigue showed previously, everybody is stunned. We can deduct that the daffodils are not simply blossoms, by the utilization of lines, for example, their syllables implicit, as clearly, blossoms can talk no syllables. I feel that the utilization of the light related words all through the sonnet are intentional, when the blossoms are as still as, wax, the man isn't talking and when he does they are a fire, which is speaking to that the keeps an eye on trust, which has consistently been there, the wax, however when he talks it is a fire. It is alive. I imagine that the, primary feathered creature of the year in the breaking haziness is emblematic as the main fledgling of the year, is speaking to the principal discourse in the keeps an eye on life for a long time, and the dimness which is currently breaking is the awful occasions of when he was unable to talk. His first words in quite a while are portrayed as a feathered creature, as this additionally identifies with the topic of music. Gillian Clarke adequately estranges the patients in the home and depicts the way that in spite of the fact that they are genuinely there, they intellectually are not by the steady utilization of word missing, I read to their existences, their nonappearances. St Davids Day by Gillian Clarke represents the subject of character using remembering individuals for a psychological foundation, as they have no personality. However following forty years a keeps an eye on character gets through. I accept that this sonnet is attempting to impart the way that everybody has a personality; regardless of how covered it is from the remainder of the world, and by the utilization of depicting them with blossoms that can't talk (which have internal magnificence, she is stating that everybody has a character and excellence. Feeling has a significant impact in the sonnet silliness, wretchedness and stun are appeared to us and this makes the sonnets increasingly reasonable. At last I feel the explanation this is an extremely successful sonnet is that the utilization of daffodils and Wordsworth is unobtrusive however conveys a noteworthy implying that is upheld up by the tone of the remainder of the sonnet. I find that the sonnet is genuinely contacting and in spite of the fact that the principle message of the sonnet is very discrete, how it is depicted causes it to appear that you, the peruser are truly encountering the supernatural occurrence.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Culinary Roadtrip Essay Example For Students
A Culinary Roadtrip Essay The breeze was blowing through my hair, the sun was sparkling making a shadow behind me. Without any mists in the sky and winged animals flying high it felt like the ideal summer day. My father had disclosed to me twice as of now to come and sit at the table, however being the obstinate child that I was, I chosen to disregard him. Inevitably it was the ideal opportunity for me to plunk down, which wasnt a discipline to me, for the food that I was going to be served was an entire encounter inside itself. The street was long, restricted, and breathtaking. From the start, I didnt truly know where we were going. Marry turn left for five kilometers and afterward directly for three kilometers, going through numerous modest communities. At the point when we went through every town, there was quite often a circuitous with signs disclosing to us what direction to go, however I would never understand them, for they were in an alternate language. Following thirty minutes of driving on these stunning streets, left right left right, we at last showed up at our goal. Somewhat woozy from the ride, I was unable to sit tight for my father to at long last mood killer the motor with the goal that I could escape the vehicle. Getting a charge out of the nutrient D from the sun, my stomach was snarling and I felt like pureed potatoes without the sauce, a burger without the patty and french fries without ketchup; it felt wrong. I took a seat at the table, close to my father and my sister, when the server came up to me and stated, Voici le menu de ce soirâ . Not exclusively did I not comprehend what she was stating, however my comprehension was endangered by the steady bear snarling in my stomach. After what appeared as though five minutes had passed, yet in actuality had just been five seconds, my mother reacted with, Elle ne parle pas franãÆ'â §ais  . After this, the server pardoned herself and rehashed what she had said yet this time in English, Heres the menu for today around evening time  , and I reacted with broken French, Merci!  . I opened the menu and understood that by and by everything was in French; in any case, I took a gander at the menu. Attempting to look as expert as could reasonably be expected, I flipped through each page. Attempting to select all the words that I could sort of peruse and comprehend, I at last requested that my father help me pick what to eat. Our ultimate choice came down to: foie gras as the canapé, sheep meat with sauce and vegetables as the principle course, and for dessert three distinct kinds of creme brulee. At the point when the primary dish came, my stomach was snarling so hard that I had positively no tolerance to pause. The foie gras resembles a pate however with various greasy infusions. It has a smooth consistency, surface and a rich vibe to it. At the point when it first hits your mouth there are a million distinct flavors confused up, every one hitting you twice as hard as the past flavor. As it dissolves on your tongue the flavors sound like firecrackers in the sky on the fourth of July, every one creation a greater and more brilliant blast noticeable all around. This occurs around multiple times until the foie gras is gone and the firecrackers have darkened down. The following dish was the sheep meat with sauce and vegetables, my most loved and continually fulfilling dish. The sauce resembles a virus drink on a sweltering summers day, the sheep is superbly cooked with the smallest shade of pink in the middle and the vegetables are the ideal medium among crunchy and wet. At that point the treat, the food that I have been hanging tight for since the time Ive took a seat at the table, creme bralee. The three unique sorts of creme bralee or, chocolate fudge, nectar and unique, and obviously the first is my top choice. .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb , .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb .postImageUrl , .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb , .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb:hover , .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb:visited , .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb:active { border:0!important; } .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb:active , .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ue8b 99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ue8b99e49e76c9804a0ea8ce665d087cb:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Americas First Serial Killer EssayWhen gave a creme bralee the principal thing one must do is check whether the hull is crunchy. One does this by taking a spoon and tapping through the outside, and tuning in for that sweet stable like the frozen yogurt truck coming around the bend in July. In the event that this sound is heard, you know a decent spoon of velvety and crunchy enchant is going to enter your mouth. Setting off toward the southwest of France has been a custom in my family for whatever length of time that I can recall. We would burn through most, if not all, of our excursions there, and alongside the excellence of France, I got the opportunity to go to this astonishing café on the highest point of a slope sitting above a valley of the Dordogne waterway. Each time that my family and I would go, I would anticipate that day for quite a long time, and my heart would begin beating so hard like the air pockets of bubbled water. I will always remember all the occasions that Ive gone to this café, for in addition to the fact that it brings back recollections of all the astounding food, yet in addition all the fun, snickers and love imparted to all the individuals at that table.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Tips to Plan Your Summer Bucket List
Tips to Plan Your Summer Bucket List Summer is sacred for teachers. We put together our 2019 summer bucket list, and we hope you get some great ideas for how to get the most out of this season. If you’re a teacher or are a friend or family member of a teacher, you know how crucial our summer break truly is - regardless of how many days we actually get in the summer to focus on being normal, typically-functioning human beings, we cherish our days spent doing whatever we want. If you’re a teacher who has wondered, “What am I going to do with my days not spent with my students in the classroom?†here are some fail-proof fun ideas to get you through your rest and relaxation experiences. Start your own summer bucket list, and make this summer one to remember. Try A New Workout During the summer months, it can be very easy to focus more on liberating the “down time†that we have as teachers, but many educators struggle with finding the right balance between having down time and staying physically fit. Joining a gym or fitness club this summer would allow you to work out, swim, lay in the sun and soak up some vitamin D, meet like-minded people, read a book for pleasure (eek!), or simply blow off some steam that has built up over the school year - staying physically fit can increase your mood, assist in weight management, and fill in the blanks of your down time during the summer weeks/months as a teacher. Many gyms offer childcare, so if you’re worried that your sweet little one will be left out - have no fear! Ensure that there is someone to take care of your precious child while you are taking care of your precious self, both physically and mentally. Gyms may offer reduced rates for teachers and service men and women during the summer months, so chec k out the deals they may have for you. Get Together With Friends This time you have with people who may or may not be teachers is vital to your overall well-being as a person; many times during the school year, we as teachers do not have adequate time built into our schedules for girls nights or social hours - hit these up while you can in June/July! Invite a friend you haven’t connected with in a while to coffee or lunch and catch up on all the dirt from your favorite Netflix shows, Bachelor/Bachelorette recaps, or small-town talks… this can make or break your friendships, so don’t let another day go by without seeing or hearing from them Plan a Weekend Getaway This may come as a surprise to some of you, but taking 3-4 days to travel to places around the nation is quite possibly the most perfect mini-vacation you could take, with or without family! A weekend in the mountains, a quick drive to the beach and a stay at an Air BnB, a flight to a major city to “live it upâ€, or visiting popular landmarks just an hour or two away from your hometown adds some variety to the weekend pool parties or cookouts. Budgeting for these trips is easy, because you aren’t traveling for long periods of time and many of the places that are popular to take mini-vacations to have great rates on hotels and dining, shopping, and attractions. Take a chance and go somewhere you’ve never been, but isn’t across the globe! #FrugalAndFun Schedule a Massage or Spa Day This, too, can be done with your best gal pals, your sister, mother, or simply yourself. Take some time to refresh and recharge this summer at a local Day Spa - you won’t regret it! For the teachers reading this post, it may be in your best interest to get a deep-tissue massage or ask the masseuse to focus on your stress point areas (feet, shoulders, upper neck, calves) for a more benefiting experience. Turn off your cell phone, don’t answer calls, texts, or emails, and just simply live in the moment in an atmosphere that recharges and revives your spirit. I would want to do this a few days before school starts to “get my mind right†and to refocus for the coming year. Here are more ideas for how to rest and relax this summer for your bucket list. Read For Fun Throughout the school year, I know that teachers spend the large majority of their time reading and studying for professional reasons; this summer, read books of your choice that have nothing to do with education. Or, if they are professionally-oriented, ensure that they are lighthearted or extremely page-turning/interesting. Sign up for a monthly “Book of the Month†membership online through Book of the Month. For less than $15/month, you can select any book and it will get sent to your door within a week for your entertainment. If you are really feeling this, you could even invite some of your friends, relatives, or neighbors to join the club and read the same book and begin your own club. As always, during this important time of resetting, it is encouraged to do whatever your heart desires. Teachers are hardly ever known to truly take care of themselves, so this is the perfect time to be you and refocus for the next school year. Remember: you can’t pour from an empty cup - get your mind, body, and spirit right for the students who so desperately count on you for 180 days a year. What's on your bucket list this summer? Share with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Sara is a seven-year veteran teacher and administrator from Clarksville, Tennessee. She has taught in Title I schools her entire tenure as a professional and she has a heart for working with disadvantaged and underserved student populations. She has experience teaching English at the high school level and before she became an administrator, being in the classroom was her ultimate passion and where I felt the most comfortable. When she isn't teaching, she enjoys cooking and home decorating, reading, exercising, and napping.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Catcher in the Rye Overview
The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger, is one of the most well-known coming-of-age novels in American literature. Through the first-person narrative of teenager Holden Caulfield, the novel explores modern alienation and the loss of innocence. Fast Facts: The Catcher in the Rye Author: J.D. SalingerPublisher: Little, Brown and CompanyYear Published: 1951Genre: FictionType of Work: NovelOriginal Language: EnglishThemes: Alienation, innocence, deathCharacters: Holden Caulfield, Phoebe Caulfield, Ackley, Stradlater, Allie CaulfieldFun Fact: J.D. Salinger wrote a prequel (The Ocean Full of Bowling Balls) that tells the story of Holdens brothers death. Salinger donated the story to Princeton University on the condition it not be published until 50 years after his deathâ€â€the year 2060. Plot Summary The novel begins with the narrator, Holden Caulfield, describing his experience as a student at Pencey Prep. He has been expelled after failing most of his classes. His roommate, Stradlater, wants Holden to write an essay for him so that he can go on a date. Holden writes the essay about his late brother Allies baseball glove. (Allie died of leukemia years prior.) Stradlater does not like the essay, and refuses to tell Holden whether he and his date had sex. Upset, Holden leaves campus and travels to New York City. He rents a room in a cheap hotel. He makes arrangements with the elevator operator to have a prostitute named Sunny visit his room, but when she arrives, he becomes uncomfortable and tells her that he just wants to talk to her. Sunny and her pimp, Maurice, demand more money and Holden gets punched in the stomach. The next day, Holden gets drunk and sneaks into his family’s apartment. He talks to his younger sister, Phoebe, whom he loves and regards as innocent. He tells Phoebe that he has a fantasy of being the catcher in the rye who catches children when they fall off a cliff while playing. When his parents come home, Holden leaves and travels to his former teacher Mr. Antolinis house, where he falls asleep. When he wakes up, Mr. Antolini is patting his head; Holden becomes disturbed and leaves. The next day, Holden takes Phoebe to the zoo and watches as she rides the carousel: his first true experience of happiness in the story. The story ends with Holden stating that he got sick and will be starting at a new school in the fall. Major Characters Holden Caulfield. Holden is sixteen years old. Intelligent, emotional, and desperately lonely, Holden is the epitome of an unreliable narrator. He is obsessed with death, especially the death of younger brother Allie. Holden strives to present himself as a cynical, smart, and worldly person. Ackley. Ackley is a student at Pencey Prep. Holden claims to despise him, but there are hints that Holden views Ackley as a version of himself. Stradlater. Stradlater is Holden’s roommate at Pencey. Confident, handsome, athletic, and popular, Stradlater is everything Holden wishes he could be. Phoebe Caulfield. Phoebe is Holden’s younger sister. She is one of the few people that Holden holds in high regard. Holden views Phoebe as smart, kind, and innocentâ€â€almost an ideal human being. Allie Caulfield. Allie is Holdens late younger brother, who died of leukemia before the start of the narrative. Major Themes Innocence vs. Phoniness. Phony is Holden’s insult of choice. He uses the word to describe most of the people and places he encounters. To Holden, the word implies artifice, a lack of authenticity, and pretension. To Holden, phoniness is a symptom of adulthood; by contrast, he views the innocence of children as a sign of true goodness. Alienation. Holden is isolated and alienated throughout the entire novel. His adventures are consistently focused on making some sort of human connection. Holden uses alienation to protect himself from mockery and rejection, but his loneliness drives him to keep trying to connect. Death. Death is the thread that runs through the story. For Holden, death is abstract; what Holden fears about death is the change that it brings. Holden continuously wishes for things to remain unchanged, and to be able to go back to better timesâ€â€a time when Allie was alive. Literary Style Salinger employs naturalistic, slang-infused language to believably replicate the voice of a teenage boy, and injects the narration with filler words to lend it the same rhythm as the spoken word; the resulting effect is the sense that Holden is telling you this story. Holden is also an unreliable narrator, telling the reader that he is the most terrific liar you ever saw. As a result, the reader can’t necessarily trust Holden’s descriptions. About the Author J.D. Salinger was born in 1919 in Manhattan, New York. He burst onto the literary stage with the publication of his famous short story, A Perfect Day for Bananafish in 1948. Just three years later he published The Catcher in the Rye and solidified his reputation as one of the greatest authors of the 20th century. Superstardom did not agree with Salinger, and he became a recluse, publishing his last story in 1965 and giving his last interview in 1980. He died in 2010 at the age of 91.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Avatar, By James Cameron Essay - 1358 Words
Belinda Duhl THEA 1023, Fall Semester 2016 Due: Saturday, December 10, 2016 Avatar Avatar, a 2009 American epic science fiction film was directed, written, co-produced, and co-edited by James Cameron. The film’s main stars are Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Giovanni Ribisi, Michelle Rodriquez, and Sigourney Weaver. The story formula or plot is the specific actions and events that filmmakers select, and the order in which they arrange those events and actions to effectively convey on-screen the movie’s narrative to a viewer. Avatar takes place in a futuristic mid-22nd century, a paraplegic marine, Jake Sully (Worthington), reports for duty, a mission meant for his now deceased brother, on the lush habitable moon in the Alpha Centauri star system, named Pandora. A greedy corporate figurehead Parker Selfridge (Ribisi) has figured out that Pandora is home to a minable ore, unobtanium an expensive superconductor. Selfridge’s intentions are to drive the native humanoid tribe called the Na vi out of their homes in order to mine the precious material scattered throughout their rich woodland. Jake gathers information for Colonel Quaritch (Lang), the cooperating military unit, and Selfridge in exchange for a surgery to help him walk again. Jake does this by attempting to infiltrate the nati ve tribe people with the use of an experimental avatar identity, a device that makes him sound and look like one of their own. While Jake begins to bond with the native tribe, heShow MoreRelatedAvatar, By James Cameron1765 Words  | 8 PagesAvatar is one of those profound movies with a deep meaning that strikes different emotions of the audience, which they might have not known they had. It hit most of the questionable topics that are mostly unspeakable now. Avatar is a spectacular movie written and directed by James Cameron. 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Fundamentals Software Architecture Free Essays
Unit 09 Assignment 2 Fundamentals of Software Architecture Instructor: Ami Tran Student: Cyril Foday-Kailie Table of Content: 1. Introduction of Management Summary 2. 0Scope and Definition 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Fundamentals Software Architecture or any similar topic only for you Order Now 0Overviews for Requirements and Concerns 4. 0 General Architectural principles 5. 0Views 6. 0Important Scenarios 7. 0Quality Property Summary 8. 0Need to Know Board 9. 0References/appendices . |Date |Version |Comment | |19th.June 2010 |Draft AD Version 1 Presented by Learner Cyril |AD to be reviewed by Fantasy | | |Foday-Kailie |Stake holders | Content 1Executive Summary1 2Version History1 3Content1 4Purpose2 5Scope3 6Goals, Objectives, and Constraints3 7Architecture Principles3 8Baseline Architecture3 8. 1Business Architecture Models3 8. 2Data Architecture Models3 8. Application Architecture Models3 8. 4Technology Architecture Models3 9Rationale and Justification for Architectural Approach3 10Mapping to Architecture Repository3 10. 1Mapping to Architecture Landscape3 10. 2Mapping to Reference Models3 10. 3Mapping to Standards3 10. 4Re-Use Assessment3 11Target Architecture3 11. 1Business Architecture Models4 11. 2Data Architecture Models4 11. 3Application Architecture Models4 11. 4Technology Architecture Models4 12Gap Analysis4 13Impact Assessment4 Content 1Management Ececutive SummaryThe draft Architectural definition is to clearly reflect detail requirement for the Engineering of a new software Architecture for Fantasy Games that will fulfill the business aim of dominating the market space in Internet sales, generate internet communities that will be able to host meaningful forum by means of chatting, blogging and discussions about current and feature Engineering of Games to reflect the needs of customers and market space. The new System will hold Game Products for worldwide marketing, protect customers privacy and integrate internal an external interfaces that are associated with the system.The document will describe the most efficient and effective means of integrating remote Fantasy Games productive offices in India, Singapore and US locations providi ng an unhindered but controlled access to productive portal to all it employees and consultants. The document contains define solutions that can convincingly aid validation process to commission the Engineering of the new Architecture. It will also contain context views and scenarios with relevant perspectives that can establish and enforce the viability of the new system which can be used as n input to begin the SDLC. Scope and Defination The Architecture Definition Document is the deliverable container for the core architectural artifacts created during a project. The Architecture Definition Document spans all architecture domains (business, data, application, and technology) and also examines all relevant states of the architecture (baseline, interim state(s), and target). The Architecture Definition Document is a companion to the Architecture Requirements Specification, with a complementary objective: The Architecture Definition Document provides a qualitative view of the solution and aims to communicate the intent of the architects to Stakeholders of Fantasy Games that an adequate an efficient tradeoffs have been implemented as per agreement in various team meeting †¢ The Architecture Requirements Specif ication provides a quantitative view of the solution, stating measurable criteria that must be met during the implementation of the architecture to build a software system that will host internet sales for Fantasy games and host internet communities that can propose and aid game development. Overview of requirement and ConcernsThe vision of Fantasy Games is to design replacement software architecture in gaming with the ability to cultivate communities. This has been viewed by stakeholders to be a green area of product line that can be principally marketable on the web online. Project Manager of Fantasy Games contracted a consultant architect to design software architecture to reflect the vision and blueprint of the organization in the view of releasing the product within a stipulated timeline as stated by the stakeholders. The new software will replace existing system and will bring to Fantasy Games new employment realities and extension of the product line.In the view of the stakeholders, Fantasy Games is geared to make history in Gaming as a result of user demands for functional change in their current gaming architecture. The new venture will not only open doors for employment but will appeal to newer gamers’ thereby expanding gaming market of Fantasy games The Proposed Software will host a marketing portal and forum for Gamers and will capture private details and context about it customers. The software will reflect functionality and resilience and it will reflect adaptability with upgrades.The Software Architecture should adhere to the dictates and standards of IEEE 1471. Architectural Perspectives Agile software development has steadily gained momentum and acceptability over the decade as a variable approach of software development and it is a favorable perspective to design Fantasy Games System. This is so as the concept is based on fundamental changes to the essential of software development. The concept is driven by team work where the aim is to deliver essentials in a timely manner than hoping to have software with many options than huge documentation.In Agile development inputs of the stakeholders become the bases as the final product and is geared to have deliverables as desired by the stake holder using extreme programming (XP) XP is the method of programming that emphasis team work between managers’ customers and developers. These 3 set of people forms an equal partnership to drive the project in a collaborative manner. XP implement a simple but effective environment enabling all concern members to achieve solution and maximize productivity. The main idea is that the team rallies around the problem or case for the solution.Such development practice qualifies XP to be an agile method of software development. Citing Don well (1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2009) Extreme Programming improves a software project in five essential ways; communication, simplicity, feedbac k, respect, and courage. This can be likening as the software architectural process of an agile software designing. These five essentials are to ensure that all necessary objectives are met in software design using Agile method. Team members are treated with respect as the system is made for them not them for the system.The system will courageously be able to respond to change How software architecture process fits into Extreme programming. The software architectural process can be likening to have the same objectives of agile method of programming as compared below. Software architectural process: Capturing stakeholder’s concern/needs: Getting complete picture of what the stake holder requires also helping them resolve conflicts and align their concerns. Making series of Architectural decisions to fulfill stake holders Concern. This can be regarded as solution to stakeholders concern. Capturing Architectural design decision made. This can be viewed as finding the architectural design that fits the scenario or case. Key Objectives of an agile Architect. Deliver working solutions: Solution to the Business case or the big picture has to be a working or dynamic solution. Maximize stakeholder value: Most times stake holder have different goals as they invest (Time effort and money) in to a project Find solutions which meet the goals of all stakeholders: Every solution should be seen as part of the whole picture not as a separate entity Enable the next effort.As the technology and business cases changes, it creates the need for a change in the system Manage change and complexity. Architect can minimize and mange change to help maximize and preserve stakeholder’s values. There is no simple change a minor change will cost the organization a fortune Drawing parallels between the software architectural process and Agile method:- Capturing stake holders concerns and needs which is the first point in Architectural process can be compared and likening to maximize stakeholders’ value in agile methods.Making architectural decisions to fulfill stake holders’ concerns can be compared to delivering working solution in the agile method. Capturing architectural design can be compared to delivering Working solution, finding solution, enable next effort and manage change and complexities. These made the agile method of XP adhere to standard software architecture process. A context Diagram in AD will define a high level picture of the boundaries and it corresponding external entities of the system. 4. 0 Fig1Project Context Diagram. [pic] Architectural Principles:Architecture principles can be defined as the fundamental assumptions and rules of conduct for the IT organization to create and maintain IT capability. (J. Ryan December 4, 2009) These fundamental rules and conducts serves as organization guide in attaining the Architectural Scopes. You may name them as commandments that are geared to best practice. It is also defined as a fundamental statement of belief, approach, or intent that guides the definition of architecture. It may refer to current circumstances or to a desired future state. N. Rozanski E Woods 2005) Achieving maximum enterprise-wide benefit will require changes in the way we plan and manage. Information Technology alone will not bring about this change hence the need for Architectural principles that includes:-. Some stakeholders may have to concede their own preferences for the greater benefit of the entire enterprise. Application development priorities must be established by the entire enterprise for the good of the Business Aim. Applications components should be shared across organizational boundaries.Information management initiatives should be conducted in accordance with the enterprise plan. Individual organizations should pursue information management initiatives which conform to the blueprints and priorities established by the enterprise. As needs arise, priorities must be adjusted. A forum with comprehensive enterprise representation should make these decisions AD should be well defined and clearly documented to avoid conflict Stake holders should have a reasonable and rational concern. The project should have a budget The project should be driven by the organizationKeep the architecture as simple as possible Constraints: With Fantasy games having a business goal of designing software that can cultivate groups and facilitate Internet marketing could be impacted by many constraints. Project Cost. Project cost is always limited to project budget. Payoff decisions: In other to achieve organizational goals tradeoffs and compromises are made at the cost of forfeiting and enhancing feature of the system. Standards and principles: Standards and Principles are drivers that limit systems to adhere to mandatory regulation.Client Vendor Dependency: Fantasy Games awarded the software designing contract to a consultant who might not have the necessary skills to build the system to reflect business case. Time: Time is always viewed as money procrastination delivery of product will result in loss of demand hence money. Connectivity and Internet service: Due to the dependency on other service providers for connectivity and validation activities. Problem may develop at the end of service provider which is out of the functional control of Fantasy Games. Rouge Activities: With the increase of unethical practices on the web.Web transaction of any sort can be deemed as risky and has to be facilitated with hesitation. The Architectural team: The architectural team will include all stake holders as listed below CEO: The realization of Organizational goals lies with the CEO who is to lead the project team. CIO: As the most Technological competent staff of the organization. He will be the focal point between organization stakeholder and the architecture. Other Departmental heads: The concern of this group is necessary as the essence of the business goal is to answer their unit level concerns.Investors and Users: An Investor main aim is to maximize profit of his investment whist the user’s goal is to attain efficiency hence they have to be engage to achieve there aim. Programmers and Architect: These are the technical savvy group that makes the logics to come to being. Accountants: Having there concerns as how online transactions are executed with minimum fraud. Quality Control: They test the quality of the software. Sales and marketing: Group that are tasking with product marketing and publication. Customer services to answer attend to multiple queries that are recoded from Customers at large.Customers: They are the target group for the business case. Views The architect has to identify relevant views to establish the functional aspect of the system or scenario to capture the intended behavior of the system when influenced by different scenarios like external actions induced on the system in the form of client request. The system on the other hand will have to respond to fulfill the functions the system is built to perform. This will assure stakeholders that the baseline functionality requirement of Fantasy Games project is on course. Overview or functional Scenario: Game Internet based Purchase and download. System State: The system should have baseline information that is capable of running the system without external user action. It may also contain the migrated data from the old system for example previous games. System Environment: Sue will have to ensure that the system deployment environment is working correctly. This may include external and non external systems like servers, SAN, load balancing devices and resources that influence system environment like people. This may include infrastructural behavior like latency.External Stimulus: A definition of what cause the scenario to occur or selected. User queries and other data transfer or request fall within this scope. E. g. Customer queries the system for a specific Game like for instant Got Green. The system is expected to respond by bringing up similar games that fulfill the criteria got green with a price tag. System Response: The response received when an external stimulus is applied. System is expected to respond when a specific game group is looked up giving a response to the. Quality based ScenarioSue on the other hand will want the stake holders to know how the quality scenario can work alongside the functional scenarios of Fantasy Games to produce formidable software that is not limited in fulfilling it functional aspect of the software architecture but also provides security, performance, availability and evolution/change or resilience. The quality scenario will enable the software to have it basic security that will be able to protect some aspect of resources that is hosted on the web server and repositories. Overview of Quality based Scenario: How does the system respond when the server hosting the games and community group fails?System environment: The deployment environment includes other expanded resources like wide area application server, Authentication servers, Data / Information bank, credit card processing system hosted sites that can allow customers and gamer community members to access system and their relevant forums. Environmental change : When the primary system gets offline or unavailable, the system will trigger the failover system to give service without the customer knowledge and continue business as usual. Patterns and Styles I will choose functional Scenario as my chosen scenario for Fantasy Games.Dealing with the functional aspect of the software system, it will enable me look at the sequential business process in the software Infrastructure mainly concerning myself with the functionality of the system. It main strength is that it gives me fore knowledge of what business process precede what process which will enable decision as to the relevant style to apply at each phase of the Business Process. A relevant architectural style to utilize with this Scenario is the Pipe and Filter Style which will be my recommended architectural style to be used in this project. Pipe and Filters and Examples:As defined by Galan Shaw in Introduction to software Engineering, Example of Pipe and Filters includes Signal processing Domains, Functional programming and distributed System. In a pipe and filter style each component has a set of input and output system, reading streams of data inputs to produce an output. Hence these components are referred to as filters. The connectors of this style serve as conduits for the streams, transmitting outputs of one filter to inputs of another. Hence the connectors are termed â€Å"pipes†. Advantages of Pipe and Filters Among the important invariants of the style, filters must be independent. Pipe and filters referred to as data flow style allows designers to understand the overall input output of the system and it great advantage of condoning reuse provided they agree on the type of data to be transmitted between them. The ease of maintenance and enhancement by replacing filters is another key reason for the popularity of this style. The ability to permit specialized analysis and support for concurrent operation are some of it versatile actions. The above and some of the main advantages of Pipe and filter style. Disadvantages of Pipe and FiltersIt disadvantages include: – Several batch processes as Pipe and filters treat it processes as independent. They restraint component reuse as each component has to be in agreement of data to be transmitted. Since filters are inherently independent, designers are forced to think of each filter as providing a complete transformation of input data to output data. The independency of Pipe and filters can lead to loss in performance and increased in complexity. Because of their evolutionary characteristic, pipe and filters are not very ideal in handling interactive systems. Common variant of Pipe and Filter Style:Known for it adaptability with other styles, Pipe and filters are often found compatible with other styles in software development. A variant of this style is the uniform Pipe and Filters found in programs written in UNIX shell, this style adheres to the constraints and laws of Pipe and filters to have same interface. A disadvantage of the uniform interface is that it may reduce network performance if the data needs to be converted to or from its natural format (R, Thomas Fielding 2000) Why was this style chosen? Obviously the selection of architectural style is based on the constraint drawn up in the AD in view to resolve them.The adaptability of Pipe and filters over other styles like object oriented system where output of products sometimes conflict with each other. In general we find that boundaries of styles overlap. The fact is that like religion every designer has their favorite style which is found workable in the framework system architecture. Hence I feel that the capability and adaptability of Pipe and filters makes it almost applicable to any given scenario in an AD. Quality property summary Through modeling of scenarios and Architectural viewpoint, the architect will be able to establish the functional aspect of the system in the least technical terms.Furthermore, he will be required to model the quality aspect of his architectural design. He will be able to do so by remodeling the quality aspect of the design. Through this model, stakeholders and all concern will be able to see the quality properties of the system as they conform over the function aspect. This includes, security, resilience, evolutionary, redundancy, availability and scalability Sensitive Resources: This table defines sensitive recourses of Fantasy Games. To secure objects means objects has to be defined and known before necessary security policy is implemented. Resource |Sensitivity |Owner Access |Access Control | |Customer account records |Personal information of value for |Customer Care Group |No direct data access | | |identity theft or invasion of privacy | | | |Descriptive product catalog |Defines what is for sale and its |Stock Management Group |No direct data access | |entries |description; if changed maliciously, | | | | |could harm the business | | | | Pricing product catalog |Defines pricing for catalog items |Pricing Team in Stock |No direct data access | |entries | |Management Group | | |Business operations on customer|Needs to be controlled to protect data |Customer Care Group |Access to individual record or all | |account records |access and integrity | |records by authenticated principal | |Descriptive catalog operations |Needs to be controlled to protect data |Stock Management Group |Access to catalog modification | | |access and integrity | operations by authenticated principal| |Pricing catalog modification |Needs to be controlled to protect data |Pricing Team |Access to price modification | |operations |access and integrity | |operations by authenticated | | | | |principal, with accountability | In defining what sensitive that needs to be secured is, you will have to determine groups or resource owners in their respective containers. Thus a resource group which contained list of user member will be allowed/denied as per drawn policy for appropriate resource access. This will have to be applicable to all the models that host recourses that client and principal elements of that Fantasy System accesses. Threat Model; |User Elements |User Account Records |Desc.Catalog Records |User Account Operations |Price Change Operations | |Data Administrator |Full Access with Audit |Full Access with Audit |All access with audit |All access with audit | |Catalog manager |None |none |All |Read only | |Unknown webuser |None |None |None |None | |Registered customer |None |None |All on own records |None | The above table is known as the threat model. In a treat model, sensitive resources are identified and required access level security policy implemented through this model. This will ensure that all resources in the model have adequate security. Due consideration will be given to external and internal attacks on resources by brute force attackers, password guessing attack. Their objective includes breeching user security policy. With adequate security implementation, Fantasy Games resources will be adequately protected as per security perspective implemented across the models Threat Tree:The threat tree is another kind of treat model where the root is the very reason for the attack. The target could be your database, financial or sales information, client credit card information or access to the main security apparatus within the system. The branches are possible means of getting to their objective. These include Social Engineering, key logger, trogon horse, breaking OS Admin password, rouge administrator activities. To maintain security, proactive measures have to be taken to mitigate attack. Inclusion of a policy of no personal device on the corporate LAN/WAN, no unauthorized software on corporate machines goes a long way in controlling inside treat.Implementation of VLAN and Routers to break broadcast and access list definition and implementation will segment network resources to be available for authorized element and restrict unauthorized accesses. No personal hardware policy will aid identifying social engineering attack devices on the network. Physical access to resource location and devices should be permitted to authorize persons. Above consideration when implemented along with schematics shown in the model perspectives will to a large extent mitigate threats in the infrastructure of Fantasy Games. For E-commerce web services that Fantasy Games provides, all database resources are to be deployed away from the reach of users. Meaning in the inner networks with multiple firewalls and access list required to build fortress over resources.No Information of user is permitted through web interface. The firewalls that lead to resources will allow traffic only from internal addresses. Only authorized IP’s are allowed to pass-through certain firewall especially those that leads to the sensitive resources. IPS/IDS are vital components to be implemented in securing system infrastructure and they should be strategically placed to prevent and detect security breeches. Since there is no bullet proof network, periodic assessment of the network security is essential to determine the health of your network against penetration. Necessary Antivirus and OS upgrade patches should be made available to close venerability point of Applications and OS. Concurrent Model and Quality Perspective: Aim to secure concurrent system processes of Fantasy Games. The security perspective will ensure that all concurrent client activities inherit appropriate level of security as designed by the security policy server. Firewalls in-between resources can ensure that filtered IP addresses reaches resource. The challenge is latency like all other perspectives. iii. Choice of Software architecture The most ideal Architecture here to be considered is the server client Architecture that will enable all uses regardless of their demography to connect to the main server for services. This Architecture can be represented as below. Data and software architectural layout: [pic]Web 2. 0 Fig 1. ClientServer Client Server Architecture Using the server/Client Architecture or the two tier approach, the client sends their request through the WAN to reach a relational database for relevant feed back. Static or dynamic structures are used to develop systems, It will be assumed that that client programs are available and that they are further broken down to business logics, databases and development modules on the servers. Due to the utilization of persistent storage and transactional data a relational database will be more ideal. iv. Timeline The whole concept of SDLC is centered on time. Software development as a project has to be phased into manageable parts to have timely completion. In the project description, a definite timeline should be drawn for project completion. This will guard business concern from been hijacked by competitors. As the saying goes delay is dangerous, procrastination of business process will increase not only cost of production, but exposes the product line to undue competition. These will have an impact on the marketing as users may loose interest. Also a change management once foreseen is best implemented early. Failure to do so may result in the collapse of the existing Architecture. Also a spontaneous change without proper test may precipitate an unwanted outcome.I have seen where service requests far out weighs the available resource in the system. This may clog the old system if further clients are added. This will cause the system to malfunction which will destroy the mission statement that Fantasy games had established and guarded. Capabilities of the new architecture are expected to create a similar gaming future with further ability of cultivating communities. That is the minimum accepted outcome to refer to the project as successful v. v. UML Activity Diagram; Unified Modeling language is a collection of values, principles and practice for modeling that can be applicable to software development project (S. W. Ambler 2005-2007). 2. 0 Fig 2.UML highlighting the full development process of software Architecture v v v v v 3. 0Overview of requirement and concern of Fantasy Games. i. Role of an Architect: In her/his capacity as the architect, Sue should be aware that the process to achieve project goal and drive can only be possible with collective effort from stakeholders whilst defining the following:-. a. Determine the Business Goals of the Project. Business goal is a specific aim/objective of an organization which is the reason or objective of the existence the project.In the case of Fantasy Games the business goal includes designing new software that can cultivate communities, and facilitate Internet Game Marketing. b. Determine Architectural scope: Architectural Scope can be seen as a key issues and mile stones that define the system Architecture project development. Defining the Architectural scope of Fantasy Games, the following has to be considered:- bi. The Broad functional areas to be provided by the system: This is the system area of functionality and compatibility across stakeholder groups. Sue will ensure that the software will address concerns of the different office branches that are scattered in 4 countries to concurrently use the system without conflict.Different functional unit is San Diego which includes Account department, Sales and Marketing, Customer Service, IT unit and Quality Assurance are all catered for as documented in the Architectural definition. bii. External Interfaces of the system: Sue will also look into adequate system requirement to facilitate connectivity from all locations to ensure system accessibility, adequate level of access to relational database from Client and users. Sue will ensure that required external system is in place as indicated. Sue will define if there will be a need to decommission the existing system or a system up gradation of the old system is required. biii.Choosing the preferred architectural design that can deliver business goals of Fantasy Games is an integral process of the project. This can be achieved by tallying the strength and weakness of candidate architecture where decisions can be made by all concern to choose the best out of many. biv. To facilitate Internet community and Internet marketing, a relational database that can hold product catalogue and client details is to be available. 4. 0General Architectural Principles. A context Diagram in AD will define a high level picture of the boundaries and it corresponding external entities of the system. 4. 0 Fig1Project Context Diagram. [pic] 5. 0 Fig 1 [pic] 5. 0 Fig 2 [pic] 5. 0 Fig 3 [pic] 5. 0 Fig 4 [pic] iii.Pipe and Filter diagram representing a functional scenario 5. 0 Fig 5 [pic] Entity Relationship and viewpoints Diagram that adequately represents the Entity relationship of Fantasy Games database that highlights a non technical view of the model for stakeholders’ reviews 5. 0 Fig 6Database Entity Relationship Diagrams. [pic] Legend [pic] Database Entity [pic]Database Attributes [pic]Database Management System Entity[pic]Relationship The Diagram that depict an entity-relationship diagram that shows entities represented in tables, columns, and data types, and shows relationships for the learner’s data model for Next Gen Movies 5. Fig 7 [pic] Legend [pic]Relationship [pic]Entity [pic]Attributes 5. 0 Fig 8 The UML class diagram that adequately represent the database for Next Gen Movies; [pic] 5. 0 Fig 9 A UML class diagram for the selected organization that data types, and shows relationships for the learner’s data Model for Fantasy Games. [pic] 6. 0 Important Scenarios. These are relevant views the system will exhibit in the form of modeling functional attributes of the system in production for the view of the stake holders. Through this modeling, stake holders will have an idea of how much of their concerns have been captured by the system. Architectural ModelingThis functional diagram depicts relationship between customer activities and the software system and ERP for Fantasy Games System. The system state will be a functional system with and improvement to generate communities. Product database will be migrated from the existing system that will all client activities like responding to forums which the system can populate as to all it users through the software interface. 6. 0 Fig 1 Functional Diagram [pic] Following diagram shows the infrastructure and database including required hardware and OS and DBMS application to set up and implement the new web application within each of the tiers of Fantasy Games.The system has the provision to allow client external request that can pass through the Fantasy system infrastructure and give require services to the client requestor 6. 0 Fig 2 Development Model. [pic] 6. 0 Fig 3 Informational Model [pic] Informational Diagram The informational diagram above shows all the main database tables that will be required for the new application to be developed for fantasy Games. It details the web communities and role definition to users and designers alike. It also depict resource the way they are requested by client action and the their interdependencies Concurrency Diagram Below, the concurrency diagram shows how multiple existing activities can be concurrently achieved by the new system of Fantasy Games. 6. 0 Fig 4 Concurrency Diagram [pic] Operational DiagramThe operational view diagram shows the responsible parties for maintaining the data and infrastructure of the new system and depicting the relationship between activities and ERPs. The infrastructure team is responsible for implementing and afterwards maintaining the servers. The Dbase Admins are responsible for implementing the new DBMS and for maintenance. Sales/Marketing and Client support to handle relevant issues from client that reflect their scope of work. All of these groups of persons will be involved in the projects development and will be considered stakeholders of Fantasy Games System. 6. 0 Fig 5 [pic] 7. Quality property summary.Through modeling of scenerios and Architectural viewpoint, the architect will be able to establish the functional aspect of the system in the least technical terms. Furthermore, he will be required to model the quality aspect of his architectural design. He will be able to do so by remodeling the quality aspect of the design. Through this model, stakeholders and all concern will be able to see the quality properties of the system as they conform over the function aspect. This includes, security, resilience, evolutionary, redundancy, availability and scalability Sensitive Resources: This table defines sensitive recourses of Fantasy Games. To secure objects means objects has to be defined and known before necessary security policy is implemented. Resource |Sensitivity |Owner Access |Access Control | |Customer account records |Personal information of value for |Customer Care Group |No direct data access | | |identity theft or invasion of privacy | | | |Descriptive product catalog |Defines what is for sale and its |Stock Management Group |No direct data access | |entries |description; if changed maliciously, | | | | |could harm the business | | | | Pricing product catalog |Defines pricing for atalog items |Pricing Team in Stock |No direct data access | |entries | |Management Group | | |Business operations on customer|Needs to be controlled to protect data |Customer Care Group |Access to individual record or all | |account records |access and integrity | |records by authenticated principal | |Descriptive catalog operations |Needs to be controlled to protect data |Stock Management Group |Access to catalog modification | | |access and integrity | |operations by authenticated principal| |Pricing catalog modification |Needs to be controlled to protect data |Pricing Team |Access to price modification | |operations |access and integrity | |operations by authenticated | | | | |principal, with accountability | In defining what sensitive that needs to be secured is, you will have to determine groups or resource owners in their respective containers. Thus a resource group which contained list of user member will be allowed/denied as per drawn policy for appropriate resource access. This will have to be applicable to all the models that host recourses that client and principal elements of that Fantasy System accesses. i. Threat Model; |User Elements |User Account Records |Desc.Catalog Records |User Account Operations |Price Change Operations | |Data Administrator |Full Access with Audit |Full Access with Audit |All access with audit |All access with audit | |Catalog manager |None |none |All |Read only | |Unknown webuser |None |None |None |None | |Registered customer |None |None |All on own records |None | The above table is known as the threat model. In a treat model, sensitive resources are identified and required access level security policy implemented through this model. This will ensure that all resources in the model have adequate security. Due consideration will be given to external and internal attacks on resources by brute force attackers, password guessing attack. Their objective includes breeching user security policy. With adequate security implementation, Fantasy Games resources will be adequately protected as per security perspective implemented across the models ii. Threat Tree:The threat tree is another kind of treat model where the root is the very reason for the attack. The target could be your database, financial or sales information, client credit card information or access to the main security apparatus within the system. The branches are possible means of getting to their objective. These include Social Engineering, key logger, trogon horse, breaking OS Admin password, rouge administrator activities. To maintain security, proactive measures have to be taken to mitigate attack. Inclusion of a policy of no personal device on the corporate LAN/WAN, no unauthorized software on corporate machines goes a long way in controlling inside treat.Implementation of VLAN and Routers to break broadcast and access list definition and implementation will segment network resources to be available for authorized element and restrict unauthorized accesses. No personal hardware policy will aid identifying social engineering attack devices on the network. Physical access to resource location and devices should be permitted to authorize persons. Above consideration when implemented along with schematics shown in the model perspectives will to a large extent mitigate threats in the infrastructure of Fantasy Games. For E-commerce web services that Fantasy Games provides, all database resources are to be deployed away from the reach of users. Meaning in the inner networks with multiple firewalls and access list required to build fortress over resources. No Information of user is permitted through web interface. The firewalls that lead to resources will allow traffic only from internal addresses. Only authorized IP’s are allowed to pass-through certain firewall especially those that leads to the sensitive resources. IPS/IDS are vital components to be implemented in securing system infrastructure and they should be strategically placed to prevent and detect security breeches. Since there is no bullet proof network, periodic assessment of the network security is essential to determine the health of your network against penetration. Necessary Antivirus and OS upgrade patches should be made available to close venerability point of Applications and OS.Concurrent Model and Quality Perspective: Aim to secure concurrent system processes of Fantasy Games. The security perspective will ensure that all concurrent client activities inherit appropriate level of security as designed by the security policy server. Firewalls in-between resources can ensure that filtered IP addresses reaches resource. The challenge is latency like all other perspectives. 7. 0 Fig 1 Concurrent perspective [pic] Information model Perspective: Normally, all information perspective does is to reveal object properties. This view is to be kept away at all cost from attacker as it states objects anatomy. It is required by stake holders. Since Information UML is about information on objects no change is realized when security is implemented as system response is mostly executed in a functional scenario. 7. 0 Fig 2 Informational perspective [pic] Functional Model perspective: Aim to secure process resources with adequate security perspective and required hardware deployed to secure processes, VLANS, IDS/IPS, firewall properly define will secure Fantasy Games System processes and ERP’s ensuring that system state, external stimulus and system response are secured with minimum threat level and vulnerabilities. The impact of the perspective slows the functional process of the system. This is as a result of checks implemented at strategic areas of the process or ERP.. 7. 0 Fig 3 Functional Perspective [pic] . Development Model Perspective:Aim to ensure the Infrastructure of Fantasy Games has adequate multiple point of failure or redundancy in all systems. The hardware, software, repositories, servers, and network devices should have multiple point of failure to minimize system down time. Availability, scalability, and recovery will impact the model with high latency and changes the system state and it response time due to clustering technology and replication. Adding new systems in cluster with their production counterpart will not change the evolutionary properties of the model but assures it availability. Certain aspect of the system can be adequately reused without much strain on the system in event of failure. 7. 0 Fig 4 Development perspective showing redundancy. How to cite Fundamentals Software Architecture, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Workplace Law and Ethics an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by
Workplace Law and Ethics Examples of discrimination in the workplace include discrimination of pregnant women employees. Pregnant women employees might be discriminated merely due to their conditions. Consequently regulations have been put in place to protect them from discrimination. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 requires that employers must treat pregnant women like any other employee provided they can do their job (Fremgen, 2009). This Act has protected women from losing their jobs and allowed them to advance even if they become pregnant or they needed a short leave for childbirth. A woman employee cannot be forced to quit her job due to pregnancy nor can a woman be refused a job because she has had an abortion (Fremgen, 2009). Need essay sample on "Workplace Law and Ethics" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed College Students Very Often Tell EssayLab support: I gave it a go to write that topics essay unsupervised and it didn't work out. Go To The Order Button And Get Ready To Be Wowed In addition, the pregnant woman has the assurance of equal treatment regarding disability, sick leave and health insurance. It stipulates that the pregnancy must be covered in the employers medical plan just like it would cover the other medical conditions. The employee also qualifies for sick leave on the same basis as other employees if she is unable to work due to the pregnancy. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act also prohibits mandatory maternity leave (Fremgen, 2009). Discrimination against persons with disability in the workplace can also be experienced and this includes employees with AIDS. The Americans with disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 protects employees against discrimination from employers. It also covers persons living with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) from discrimination based on their status. Employers are required to male reasonable accommodations such as lamp installations, making telephones and elevator floor numbers reachable to employees using wheelchairs (Fremgen, 2009). Discrimination based on disability regarding full enjoyment of the services, goods, privileges, facilities and accommodations of all privately owned place of public accommodation which includes hospitals and professional offices (Fremgen, 2009). Does the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1994 discriminate against working persons who do not have children or elderly parents? The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1994 allows both the mother and father to take a leave of absence, usually unpaid, of up to twelve weeks in any twelve-month period when a baby is born. It also requires employers to give unpaid leave to employees upon request to take care of their own or their family members medical or family related situation like birth, death and adoption (Fremgen, 2009). Employees must have worked for the employer for at least a year, worked in a locality with at least fifty company employees in a radius of seventy five miles and must have worked 1,200 hours in the past twelve months in order to be eligible. A notice of thirty days in advance is required in cases of a foreseeable leave such as a birth. The employees health coverage during their family medical leave must be maintained as well as their original job position before the leave. Also the employee cannot lose employment benefits which accumulated before the start of the leave (Jachimowicz, 2010). The Family and Medical Leave Act discriminates against employees without children or elderly parents because they are not entitled to request for leave because of a child birth because they do not have children. The request for the leave can only be made if they are having an adoption. This is discriminatory because the other employees having children will be the only beneficiaries of this provision even though they are working in the same environment as the other employees who are not having children. This can only apply if they are adopting a child. The same can be said about those employees who do not have elderly parents and who, consequently, are not eligible to take the Family and Medical Leave based on their need to take care of their elderly incapacitated parents. References Fremgen, B.F. (2009). Workplace law and ethics. Medical law and ethics, (3rd Ed). Prentice hall: Pearson education. Jachimowicz, H. (2010). Understanding the family and medical act of 1993. Retrieved from http://employment.findlaw.com/family-medical-leave/fmla-leave-law-in-depth.html
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